NEW! 2016 Solitaires

What are "Solitaires" you ask? Well, to put it simply; they're my own sort of Audax ride. I looked into joining the Audax UK Club, but for the most part those events are often a fair distance away. So I thought since I'm already making some rather lengthy rides; why not just create my own?

I've designated eight distances that qualify as "Solitaires". The minimum distance is L'audacieux at 100 kilometers (62.13 miles) and the longest Le Meilleur at 300 kms. Then there's a bunch of other silly names for various distances in between (shown below table).

The only remaining consideration is that all of these rides were solitary rides. Any rides made with the Kingfishers or for Sustrans were excluded. And that's all that's to it.

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