100 Mile Club

I made my first century ride of 100 miles in 2012 without plan or design. Then I sort of forgot about it. In 2014; however, I completed four rides equalling 100 miles (or more). Suddenly I was hooked.
I started my 100 Mile Club in 2015 as a subset of my Solitaires category for tracking my long distance rides. I don't cycle at speed - these are casual all day affairs lasting well over 10 hours. I generally don't ride with groups, although several rides with the Kingfishers ended up over 100 miles. For the most part, these rides are just me and my bike — and on my own.

100 Mile Club Summary Table
Shown below is a summary table of all my rides equaling 100 miles or more from 2012 through 2021. Note: You may view the full details of each year by selecting the date in the left column. This will launch a new window/tab.

Number of 100 Mile Rides by Year

Total Distance(s) of 100 Mile Rides by Year

100 Mile Club Details
In the tables below you can view every 100 Mile ride by year and date of ride. Select a tab to veiw the details for that year. (See the table at the bottom of this page for a Colour Key.)

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